Olen Brown 2





Simon Brown lived in the same area as the Fisk family.


Is Ramsey Brown a 2nd husband (named Brown) of Elisa?

Records show Ramsey and Lizza in 1910 census and later a:

marriage license for Great Grandpa (R.E. Brown) and Great Grandma (Miss Eliza Fisk) on Nov. 29, 1891 

Yet, another file shows Simon Brown and Eliza married in August 2, 1900

Grandpa Brown was born in 1901.






Great Grandpa (R.E. Brown) and Great Grandma (Miss Eliza Fisk) are married on Nov. 29, 1891 


Below shows R. E. Brown is under the age of 21 and Miss Eliza Fisk is under the age of 18 

Neosho, Kennett and Holcomb MO 












There were a lot of Browns and Fisks living next to each other in this 1880 Census,

including a 19 year old Simon L.D. (born in Mississippi-father in Arkansas, mother in North Carolina)

and a 3 year old Elisa L Fisk (born in Missouri-father in Tennessee, mother in Arkansas)



Dockins - 106 E. Washington, Advance (Kennett??), MO 63730









Who is Christina's mother?? Margaret or Anna??