Classmates and more - Pontious




Retired Fox C-6 School District administrator Gerald "Jerry" O’Connor died on Tuesday, Oct. 22. He was 87.
Christine Simokaitis, one of O’Connor’s children, said her father died from complications after he had surgery due to a hip fracture following a recent fall.

“He was such a pillar in our lives and the community,” she said. “He was extremely loyal and dedicated to his family and the school. He loved the boys who played football for him, as well as the students and teachers who he worked with.”

O’Connor, who lived in Arnold, worked for the Fox district from 1960 to 1996, spending most of his time at Fox High.
From 1960 to 1970, he was a math and physical education teacher, while also serving as the head coach for the football and baseball teams and as an assistant basketball coach. In 1966, he led Fox High to its first undefeated football season.

O’Connor was promoted to an administrative role in 1970, becoming the athletic director and an assistant principal. He served in those roles, while continuing as the head football coach, until 1975.
He then became Fox High’s principal until 1989, when he was named the assistant superintendent of secondary education.

The Board of Education named Fox High’s athletic stadium after O’Connor in 1997, and he was inducted into the school’s sports hall of fame in 2005.

O’Connor was inducted into the Fox High School Alumni and Staff Hall of Fame on Oct. 19. The alumni and staff hall was established in 2023 to honor staff members who worked at the school for at least 15 years and students who had graduated at least 10 years prior to induction in 2023.

Visitation will be held from 10 a.m. until funeral services at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, at John L. Ziegenhein & Sons South County Chapel, 4830 Lemay Ferry Road, in south St. Louis County.

Memorial donations may be made to purchase a new “Jerry O’Connor Athletic Field” sign or to help fund the Fox Scholarship Fund. Checks may be made out to Fox High School in memory of Jerry O'Connor and sent to the attention of Joe Salsman, Fox High School, 751 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, 63010.





Retired Fox High School science teacher Art Kasey has died.

Arnold Police reported that Kasey was found dead in his home at approximately 9:45 a.m. today, Oct. 21. A time and cause of death was not available today.
Kasey was 84, police reported.

“This is probably the saddest news that we can come across,” Fox High School assistant principal Joe Salsman said. “He taught here for 44 years. He was the most beloved teacher to ever teach at Fox High School. He was probably one of the most beloved citizens in the Arnold community. If you lived in Arnold, you knew who he was or had heard of him.”

Kasey taught geoscience courses at Fox High from 1971 through 2015. Along with teaching, he led the Fox Chess Club, Discovery Club and Weather Club.

During his teaching career, Kasey earned the 2004 Walmart Good Works Teacher of the Year award, 1995 Jefferson County Educator of the Year and 1988 and 2014 Excellence in Teaching awards from Emerson Electric.

Kasey was a member of the first class to be inducted into the Fox High School Alumni and Staff Hall of Fame in March 2023. The school, which already had an athletic hall of fame, created the honor last year to recognize staff members who worked at the school for at least 15 years and students who had graduated at least 10 years prior to induction in the hall.

Kasey, who grew up in Kentucky, planned to be a geologist and was working on a doctorate in geology at the University of Missouri-Columbia when circumstances led him into teaching instead. He had worked part time as a teaching assistant at Mizzou and before that at the University of Tennessee.
When Kasey retired from Fox High, Arnold Mayor Ron Counts declared May 2, 2015, Mr. Art Kasey Day, and Kasey received a diploma from Fox High with the 2015 graduating class.

Salsman said today that Kasey’s family had not finalized funeral arrangements.

Fox C-6 School District Board of Education vice president Todd Scott said he believed Kasey would be buried in Kentucky, and the family plans to hold a service in his honor in the Arnold area.


Marty Johnson




Marty Johnson was passionate about everything he did, his family says.
“Whether it was real estate, music, cooking, whatever, it started with passion,” said his son, Scott Johnson, 57. “And he did everything he could to spread that around as much as possible.”
Mr. Johnson died Oct. 11 after battling cancer. He was 84.
He was a longtime educator, directing choirs at Festus, Fox and Crystal City schools, as well as Grace Presbyterian Church in Crystal City. Later, he was a real estate trainer.
Mr. Johnson grew up in Indiana and played the drums from a young age, attending Murray State University in Kentucky on a scholarship.
He was married briefly to Sally Aubuchon (now Sally Herman of Branson) and had two children before divorcing in the mid-1970s. He met Marilyn Penner in 1978 while both were singing in a local community chorus, and they were married that summer.
Mr. Johnson’s first job was teaching choir and directing beginning band at Festus. Later, he worked as a choir director for the Fox C-6 School District for 18 years, and was inducted into the Fox High School Hall of Fame.









Classmates and more







**Class of 1959**

Bell, Ronald  2010

Bledsoe, Marlyn 

Daume, Yvonne Martin 2008 

Eichenberger, Ronald 2018 

Griffith, Kay (Vollett)  2005 

Hamilton, Lester 1986 

Heinemann, Dennis  2018

Henke, Joan  2018

Hickman, Ronald  1996

Hofhienz, Walter  1979

Holmes, Edward 

Hootselle, James  

Lebke, Rob  

Meese,  Kathy (Dyer) 2018  

Meisinger, Maryilyn ( Bantrup)  2018 

Miller, Judy (Kopecke)  2018

Kneff, Mary Jean  2008  

Otec, Richard  1975

Rice, Giles 1991

Roeder, Carol (Mathers Dornseif) 2000 

Schlecht, Melvin 

Schroeder, Coral K  1-26-2022

Shelton, Carlene (Volk) 1979 

Spnangenberg, Clifford 

Starr, Mary Ann (Whitaker)  2016 

Wagner, Ruthann (Huff)  2004

Williams, Joyce (Charleyville)  2017

Vance, Ernest   9-14-16


**Class of 1960** 

Baumgartner, Brenda (Grab) 1994 

Bell, Benton 1997 

Bopp, Fred 2017  

Boster, Terry (Sebastain) 2014

Brouk, Alan 2015

Cheatham, Euel   2009

Cheatham, Dee Ann (Tillanman) 2009

Cooperman, Ed

Dornseif, Ray 1998 

Falcetti, Richard 2015  

Fisher, Robert  2008  

Lester, Hamilton   1986

Heimos, Joseph M

Hemmer, Tom 1979

Isbelle, Eleanor (Meyer)

Kleinschmidt, Janice  (Graves)  3-9-2002

Keisker, Robert 

Klaverkamp, Thomas  

Kramper, Benard 

Leitz, Eugene

Lester, Lawrence  2017  

Lovera, Robert 2017

Litaw, John

Lohman, David 2012

Mall, Glenda (Waldrop) 2002 

McMorris, Sondra (Eichenberger) 2006

Meyer, Edward 1995

Nau, Judy (Noerdinger) 

Novotny, Leo 2008  

Ostoff, Rita (Vargas) 1994

Seabough, Howard  2011

Seacrease, Dennis 2018

Smith, Phyllis (Kalna) 2016

Smith, Wanda (Chott) 2001

Stout, Patsy  (Bean) 

Stoyeff, Nancy (Huffman) 2019

Sutton, Jack    1997

Vernon, Sue

Voss, Raymond

Waldrop, Glenda (Mall)   6-26-02

Waldrop, Jim   10-8-12

Williams, Pat (Holt) 2012

Yancheck, Lila   Yeager, Ronald 2005

Young, Lloyd   2011 


**Class of 1961**


Kelly, Don   1976

Lesch. Joann  ( Francis )   1982 

Lynde, Unie Loren 

O'Hara Sr, William J 

Rothermich, Jean 


**Class of 1962**

Bolm, Jamie 

Cotton, Floyd  2-1-16

Dameris, Sandy (Chott) Dankel Ken

Dietzler, Carl L 12-31-14   

Eichenberger, Richard   2020  

Hamilton, Karline (Weiss)  6-19-18

Kuntz, Edward  ( Sonny )  2-25-19

Lesch, Mary  

Mayfield, Kerny  2015

Mooy, Dick  10-15-14 

Ramsey, Cliff  5-23-17

Roeder, Evelyn

Wagganer, Mamie

Whaley, Keith


**Class of 1963**

Byrnes, Binnie 11-17-20

Byrne, Thomas 

Dement, Danny 

Freeman, Ronald  2-27-2022

Freeman, Shirley ( Gossett )  10-9-15 

Hamblen, William

Harsch, George

Hodge Jr, William " Bill "  3-1-17 

Jackson, Doris  6-2010

Kraft Jerry  (Vietnam)  3-27-1967  

Lacey, Timmy  1-6-2021

Leuckel, William  1-30-1988

Melton, Fred  2001 

Meisinger, Linda ( Schmaltz ) 7-26-2021

Miller, Robert 

Morgan, Mike    

Mosser, James  7-30-12 

Newman, Gary  

Painter, Richard  6-7-2021

Rice, Elizabeth  10-20-2014

Tate, Don

Yodger, Thomas

Ziegelmeyer, Carol (LaChance )  

Young, Lawrence M   3-23-17


•• Class of 1964 ••

Bast, Norman 2-19-2021

Becker, Tom  3-24-11 

Burgess, Jerry  2-2-2022

Chilton, Ron

Dankel Ken

Kohler, Herbert 

LeGrand, Jimmy

LeGrand, Melvin

Land, Diana

Luebkle, Carol 

Lynde, Roger Dale

Parks, Judy

Rey, Barry

Rice, Joanne 

Rothermich, Nancy

Zachery, Cheryl

Zellich, Gail


•• Class of 1965 ••  

Aslinger, Albert Lee  10-22-2017 

Baumgartner, Gary  2010

Blankenship, Phillip

Boyles, Mike

Brammer, Gary

Bates, Joseph  (1996)

Bullerdick, Gary  (Vietnam)

Dickison Margie ( Williams)  2-27-18

Hargrove, Gary

Henricks, Margo

Hill, Fred  5-6-95

Kemper, Joseph  4-3-2008

Kemper, Sue

Kraemer, Susie

Layton, Sharon  6-15-2000

Lang, Charles Robert

Marler, Evelyn   

McNamara, Sandra “Kohler”  3-2020

Millerman, Lynne

Paul, Wayne

Poucher, Robert

Ringhoffer, Jerry

Sago, Bill

Sansegran, Richard

Schmaltz, Rita

Schopp, Elmer

Voelpel, Jeffery  3-14-1947 to 7-22-2006  

Warnell, Donald  2003 

White, David    2-08


•• Class of 1966 ••

Badger, Thomas  (Vietnam)

Baltzell, Gary

Becker, Frank  10-23-15

Boehm, Barbara

Bone, Bill   5-31-2004

Burkard, Alvin J Sr.

Byrnes, Steve

Capstick, Bob  11-30-2020

Carpenter, Danny

Chaney, Carl   2-7-2015

Cheatham, Joyce

DeQuiros, Richard

Dockery, Carol

Frank, Kenneth

Frenz, George

Frenzel Eugene   3-3-94  

Freukes, Daniel Lawrence  Jr.   7-19-18

Gaines, Paul 

Hagemann, Alan  1-27-2022

Haynes, Michael

Hazelwood, Greg 

Hildebrant, Donna (Bushey) 1-31-17

Hipkins, Keith   (Vietnam)

Hobson, Linda   1995  

Jester, Harold George  2-27-18 

Koehler, Don 

Knickmeyer, William   4-21-01

Knight, Diedre

Lambert, Betty Vaughn

Lesch, David  9-10-2021

Lesch, Richard   3-31-2021 

Leach, Wayne  

Lenzen, Albert

Lilly, Jack

McCarty, Harry

Neuhaus, Janice (Kuntz)

Osthof, Janis

Phegley, Roger

Pontious, Don

Praul, Dave  10-22-77

Redfarin, Ronald D 

Rutledge, Carlos

Smith, Marvin 4-27-2022

Tudor, Richard

Wick, Bonnie


•• Class of 1967 ••

Barbre, William   6-8-96

Bast, Tom  

Beard, Margaret  8-16

Braham, Gary

Broderick, Terry 

Brown, Margaret Joyce   7-15-13  

Cates, Dennis  11-21-2021

Cole, David  2014

Crosby Louis  (Vietnam)

Dunard, John   9-13-07

Fluegge, Ronald   1948-1993

Grissom, Rose

Hadley, Gary   (Vietnam)

Hallemann, Bob 

Hoelzer, Katheryn Jill   2012 

Langston, Robert Charles

Lohman, Tom  

Marschel, Robert  3-2020

Martin, Edward JR

Mclean, Darlene

Naggy, Maureen

Pace, James ( Randy )   11-15

Rambicourt, James  8-1-2022

Riddle, Charles

Rieser, Penny  (Ramey)   5-18-2020

Stamm, David

Stewart, Stephanie

Stoneking Herbie   (Vietnam) 

Swallow, Donna ( Schweitzer ) 7-25-2021

Vincent, Rebbcca ( Carpenter )

Weiss, William

Westmoreland, Brenda

Whaley, Michael

Wood, Charlet


•• Class of 1968 ••

Bollinger, Pat

Bowman, Wilfred   5-1-2016

Boyer, Beverly

Bushmann, Walter

Cosgrove, Diane

Cox, Cathy

Donnelly, Steven 4-10-13

Dunsmoor, John

Ehlers, Connie

Eldridge, James   12-17-13 

Ellis, Donna “ Smith” 11-1-2020

Freeman, Joyce   9-1-2014 

Fout, JoAnn (Burch)  3-17-19

Germain Yuvawm Rita   2005

Gibson, Alice

Hager, James 

Hampson, Michael  2-9-18 

Heller, Pat

Hutson, Linda Susan (Wilson)   3-1998

Hunt, Terri 

Jashke, Mike

Jennemann, Mike 6-18

Lewis, John

Lingle, Duane   10-22-13

Mahoney, Allen  

Messmer, John 6-25-19

Mullins, Art   8-24-18

Noll, Barb

Oldham, Cynthia

Ponder Robert “Bobby” 2000

Platter, Mike 

Pyatt, Ken   

Rendon, Norma   7-5-17

Rickert, Barbara 

Shoemaker, Brenda  

Welker, Jackie  

Woodruff, Brenda “Moyer”   1-1-2021

Young, Sally (Biggs )   1-22-2018


•• Class of 1969 ••

Adami, Edward Allen " Eddie"   11-25-2011

Allen, Bill

Altnether, Bill

Barciszewski, Joe   2002

Barton, Cindy

Baughman, Derek 

Becker, John 12-11-2020

Beller, Sandy   8-9-14 

Bennett, Jerry 9-10-2021

Bennett, Madalynne   2011

Benson, Phil   2003

Blomker, Shirley   2010

Boggs, James

Brewer, Rosalie   2014

Brethold, Herman   1968 

Bridges, Dennis

Brutcher, Richard    2006

Coates, Peggy

Coleman. Gerald   2011

Couch, George 

Clinger, Diane

Creswell, Roberta    1995 

Dohack, Gail (Drury)  5-8-2020

DuBois, Kenny

Ehlen, Bernard ( Bernie)   2014 

Ehret, Virginia  

Erb, Frank    1995

Faulker, Glenn

Ferguson, Tom  

Fox, Beverly 

Freeman, Lonnie  

Freukes, Richard 

Garner, Jackie  6-29-1973

Gerhardt, Erl    2003

Germain Charles    2011

Hahn, Art

Harris, Cheryl   2012

Hatcher, Henry Vernon   1-5-19

Hawks, Bill Davis

Heffel, Allen    2009

Henson, Janice 

Hutson, Danny    2007 

Jones, Carol 

Juergens, Larry    2013

Kassmann, Steve    1994

Kraft, Glenn

Lambert, Dorothy 

Lawrence, Bill   4-15-2020

Leach, Gwen    2007 

Leutzinger, Alan   11-4-19

Lewis, Anita (Picarella )     11-23-12

Livesay, John

Markotay, Roy    2005

Mayfield, Larry    1997

Maguire, Mike

Meese Jim    2012

McNeer, George

Probst, Alan    2012

Quitmeyer, Cheryl     2014  

Ragsdale, Paula Sue 11-5-2020

Rendon, Rachel   4-4-19

Roberts, Jim     1976

Rohr, Jackie

Ross, Don

Schmitz, Kurt     1997

Seward, Margie 

Steffens, Deb 3-11-2022

Sullentrop, Fred     1976

Winters, Sterling Butch     2009

Woodfin Jim

Woody, Charles     2008 

Yount, Roger 

Ziegler, Roger 2-5-2021


•• Class of 1970 ••

Austin, Kelly

Blankenship, Mary   

Bradbury, Dave   11-8-18

Brainer, Charlie 

Cates, Paul

Collins, Linda  

Damaris, Gary 

East, Ronald     7-19-2012

Emily, Eugene D 2-5-2021

Enloe, Kenny

Felty, Terry     2002   

Greenacre, Jim  9-20-2021

Hallemann, Dave  2-8-19

Hallenberger, Mike 

Harrison, Leo      2003   

Haas, John 

Johnson, Kirk

Jokisch, Janet

Jones, Janet     2010

Joyner, Gerald

Kehrt, Sue

Liberoth, Neil

Muser, Hal

Noll, Denise

Oster, Pamela 

Parham, Patricia   (Stephens)   2-16-19

Pinnell, Linda 

Pitts, Marilyn   10-15-2020

Potter, Brenda ( Medley )     4-16-16

Queen, Mary   (Miller) 

Reichert, Larry     2008 

Reinhold, Connie

Schierhoff, Ken

Schneider, Joann 

Schroeder, Michael   11-29-05  

Scurlock, Roy   7-18-2020

Siedler, James  

Sitzes, Michael 

Snead, Lawrence Robert   “ Larry”   11-5-2020 

Streckfuss, Susan   11-6-2021

Swallow, Herman

Thomlinson, Steven   1-84

Travis Pat              

Tudor, Charlotte Shari   ( Mills)   

Webb, Donita   8-13-18

Weltig, Steven


•• Class of 1971 ••

Anderson, Christine

Beard, Susan      7-9-15

Cravens. Frank 

Cummings, Herbert   

Keane, Douglas

Hanne, Susan

Harper, Linda     1966

Hartwig, Herman

Hawkins, Jim     1-22-2011

Hoybook, Joanna     1-7-2002

Huighe, Charles Franke  4-7-2022

Jennewein, Beth     1967

Louks, Michael   

Mayfeild, Danny   4-25-2020

McKinnon, Gary Orville   11-10-18

Murphy, Bella (Clausen)     2010?

Noll, Malcolm     September 27, 2011

Null, Rickey   11-14-16

Owen, Teresa 

Reichardt, Betty   (Harmon)  10-1-2020 

Shaedler. John     2003

Sproull, Alan     1-12-2012  

Stevens George E 3-22-99 

Strite, Debbie (Nelson)  9-11-19

Swallow, Henry

Tallent, John

Taylor, John     10-30-2014 

Wagganer, Karen   (Hill)   12-4-19 

Wendt, Pam   8-17-2021


•• Class of 1972 ••

Adams, Gary     2011

Asberry, Dalene ( Mongo )      11-20-15

Balmer, Jay

Bauer, Dennis Edward      11-05

Bell, Dennis      1992

Bell.Joe      7-13-13

Biggs, Roger      7-2-16

Bomar, Eddie     1987

Brda, Bob

Buskuehl, Diane      6-28-2005

Cole, Britt      10-14-16

Cox, Mike

Dees, Kevin

DeGonia, Barbara ( Eversmeyer)      1-8-14

East, Deborah Lorraine      3-28-2000 

Ehlen, Beverly 12-12-2020

Ellis, Pat ( Olsen )     4-4-15

Falcetti, Dennis

Fassler, Jane

Floyd, James

Fox, Bill 

Freeman, Sandra

Garner, Bill

Gaynor, Bill      2009

Geist, Debra 

Gianino, Tom    12-25-2021

Hatcher, Deborah       2001

Huett, Yvette     1997

Hutson, Gail “Barton”      4-12-2104

Hutson, Mike

Hutt, Rena

Kelley, Johnnie     2011

Kellums, Karen

Kopp, David      2009 

Lang, Mark

Marion, Ann Marie

McCole, Pat     1998

McNulty, Dan      2002

Manley, Linda     1987

Messmer, Dorothy

Miller, Phillip     1972

Mottert, Linda     2005

Neuhaus, Ralph     2010

O'Toole, Patrick      March 31, 2014

Ottomeyer, John      1982

Pate, Theresa      2003 

Rall, Sherry   (Buskuehl) 

Saunchegrow, Cliff      2008

Scherman, Gary      8-22-14  

Smallword,  Dolores   “ Scoville”

Schmaltz, Ruth

Sparks, James     1975 

Stever, Pamela Sue 10-5-2021

Stout, Mike     2001

Stroehmer, Terri " Cline "

Thierath, John      1997 

Voightmann, Roberta 4-21-2022


•• Class of 1973 ••

Adkerson Jerry

Akers, Michael

Albrecht, Rodney 2-13

Allen, Linda

Aulbach, Marsha  

Bellamy, Ralph   2-4-19 

Bell, Bob 8-2002

Brethold, Marvin

Brown, Doug    2-8-99 

Brewer, Sharon   (Vilcek)

Busch, Ton 2-15-2021 

Buskehl, Karen

Byington, Ted

Campbell, Jerry

Casnar, Larry   3-18

Charrlton, Tom

Chilton, Dennis 

Chott, Gena  

Combs, Mike  10-26-2021 

Cox, James

DeLarber, Nick  

Ellis, John     1-2009  

Erb, Dan

Fears, Steve   12-11-09   

Gianino, Tom   12-25-2021 

Guerich, Mark D  

Hanks, Rich    1984

Haring, Paul    2-9-05

Hummel, Larry

Hill, Michael    

Huffman, Jim   9-19-17  

Ihms. Sandy   7-17-18

Isom, Michelle   1-13-14

Jansky, Patti

Johnson, Fred

Kelly, Steve 3-13-06

Lato, Mike  

Lindsey, Darrell

Maddox, Gary

McCormack, Karen 

McDermott, Russell

Maschmann, Scott

Michler, Miles

 Michler Pamela    2007   (Gatewood)

Nelly, Lloyd Scott 

Nuspl, Ron 

O'Hanlon Tim

Payne, Robby

Potthast, Rosemary   (Seabaugh)  1-6-2013

Rainwater, Brady    2011

Ralston, Cecil

Ramsey, Kenny    2011 

Rose, Jane 

Seabaugh, Roger

Sisco, Penny

Sprock, Mary     1973

Stephens, Melinda 

St.Germain, Ron

Swaller, Bill

Tesson, Pamela

Travis, Mike 

Tucek, Rita 

Vulysteke, Hollis

Wall, Rodney     4-29-2016

Winslett, Gayla   2002 

Wodicker, Debbie    


•• Class of 1974 ••

Allen, Debbie 

Alvey, Roxanne

Blake, David    2-17-13

Boyer, Steve   

Chapman, Rhonda      2001  

Clarke, Kim (Verbanaz) 3-14-19 

Day, Lonnie   10-16-2021

Donnelly, Dennis 9-8-17

Fears, Steve 12-11-2009

Foster, Shawn 

Fuhrman, Raymond 

Graves, Rhonda     2012 

Hamblen, David Allen    8-13-2006

Hareford, Bruce

Hildebrandt, Cliff     2007

Hill, Mike 

Hollett, Barbara      1972

Hoybook, Jerry     11-8-1979  

Klahs, Steven 5-5-2022

Kelly, Dan 7-2020

Kennon, Mark 

Kirlpatrick, Bradley Wayne   9-15-2021

Krah, Fern     2011

Jameson, Terrie (Collins)

Jenneman (Penberthy),Linda     2011

Kurosz, Mary

Lambrich, Bill

Luksza, Bill 

Maschmann, Gregg

Manis, Jimmy     6-30-2012

Marcus, Robyn      12-3-2003

Martin, Chris

Naggi, Greg

Nelson, John William      1973

Norton, Richard 

Randolph, Jimmie   12-15-2021

Rath, Robert      1-4-2017

Riebold, Debbie    ( Forbush )  

Schollmeyer, Ed   1-9-2021

Sellers, Richard  

Schollmeyer, Ed   12-26-2020

Scott, Sandy    7-24-15

Shirley, Michael  

Simmions, Terri   2-86

Smith, Barbera

Stout, Steven     9-27-2013

Strickland, Wallace     2011

Teabeau, Jim      1975

Westerhold, Laura      4-9-2009


•• Class of 1975 ••

Armbruster, Bruce     1975

Baker, Robert  (Bob)    2011 

Barciszewski, John 5-27-2021 

Barnes, Ronda  12-21-2021

Beller, James     3-27-14

Bennett, Darold      2000

Brasswell, Terry

Breeden, Karen  ( Braswell )

Clark, Cindy  “Thompson”     5-11-17

Donnelly, Wanda (McKnight) 1-14-19

Delwin Shane Cameron     Nov 16,2006

Dennis, Leslie 

Diffey, William “ Bill”  10-26-19 

Duncan, Karen (Busch)  

Faucett, Dan   12-15-2021

Fredrick, Joe     2-13

Gallagher, Jim     1972

Grissom, Terry     2-1-1982 

Haumesser, Richard  5-1-2000

Hawk, Deborah Williams

Hoybook, Thomas

Johnson, Roger     2-16-16 

Joyner, Jackie  (Paison)    9-19-2020 

Jundt, Vicki (Landcaster)  7-10-2021

Lane, Roger K   7-7-2018

Leonard, Steve      2011...

Lewis, Pat

Longworth, Terry   5-15-19

Mitchem, David     2009

Meyers, Charlie

Moore, Susan     8-9-06

Mosier, Kevin

Moss Carla  

Sample, Mark  

Sensmeyer, Donna ( Johnson )  6-17-18 

Smith, Daniel  

Solari, Bill

Sykes, Royce   1-12-19

Raye, Colleen      1975

Roberts, Linda     1-14

Ross, Ralph

Reichardt, Phyllis

Riebold, Louis     2008

Runyon, Jackie     2-13-14

Thomlinson, Gregg     5-13-57 to 10-1-15

Thompson, William “ Bill”   

Webb Larry D   11-25-2021

Wheeling, Debbie      12-31-12    

Whitehead, Tom   5-18-2020

Yates, Tyler   9-14-18

Zingsheim, Robert F      2008


•• Class of 1976 ••

Adams, Terri

Ahlersmeyer, Richard M     12-3-15  

Anderson, Richard 

Askins, Justin

Bicknell, Mark 1-31-2021

Blum, Jim

Boyer, Jerry

Braswell, Jerry   8-14-85

Bockskopf, Joseph, Jr.      7-17-17

Brouk, Richard

Bullock, Cynthia     4-2-79 

Cadenhead, Nancy   3-14-16

Daniels, Cindy

Flamm, Mark      11-1998  

Gordon, Tom   1-18

Graham, Curt      3-27-2012 

Gyurica, David 

Harbin, Regina      Sept 10 2001

Hayes, Dianna  

Inman, Kathy (Krause)   12-23-2019

Ketcherside, Earl (Crazy Legs)      2/14/58 - 1/9/10 

Kresbach, Ron.   12-17-2021

Lay, Ricky      7-16-16

Lewis, Roland   10-24-19

Macormic's, Mike

Martin, Ronnie

Mitchell, Cynthia

Moreland, Fred

Mullich. John      11-22-99 

Muser, Pat  10-9-15

Nuspl, Greg      3-7-2013

O'Brien, Sharon      1990

O’Toole Vicky “Hoeltze”      2-23-14 

Palmer, Keith   12-1-2021

Reiken, Danny       12-7-15

Roth, Marilyn " Davis"      5-1-57 to 9-4-09

Scholar, Russell   6-22-2011

Sponik, Scott

Sutton, Robin  “ Davis“

Turner, Chris     1972   

Woodside, Pamela 1-9-2020

Wright, Chris   12-2-19

Yoder, Guy      1-21-2013  

VonKlemens, GiGi  9-6-19 

Zeis, Doug   1-15-2022

Zeis Jeff    7-28-18

Ziy Reiger, Sharon      1985


•• Class of 1977 ••


Allbritton, Bill       2011

Bishop II, Bob      2011

Bloch, Udo     2013

Braswell, Debbie     5-23-11

Bradley, Karen     2009 

Catron, Sabrina   1975

Clark, Karla

Clark, Pam     2004

Conway, Mark

Cox, Kevin

Crump, Pam   8-3-1994

Davis, Scott

DeClue, Larry 

Delbridge, Kim   (Powell) 

Dickerson, Joyce Ann  ( Bell )  6-14-2021

Emmons Diane     2000

Farley, Barry 

Fitzgerald, Terry     2003 

Gierer, Steven  1-4-2022 

Glore, Randy    4-6-15 

Glossip. Michelle 12-20-2019 

Haldaman, Linda

Haring, Art     12-17-13

Harper, Michael Lee     11-28-16

Heth, Rick   

Holderbach, Ken 

Huffman, Rex  5-18-19

Janis, Joe    2004

Jerger, Jimmy     2004

Kellenberger Carlson, Kathleen(Kathy)     4-2005    

Kern, Jeri   12-14-2020

King, Steve   12-17-2017

Kohler, Matthew 

Kral, Boyd

Krah, Rich     8—10-2011    

LaVear, Kenneth   2-6-2020

Lammert, Roger   12-24-18

Lankfork, Beverly (Walsh)   10-30-19

Larson, John     11-14-2010

McMullen, Pat

Naramore, Dianne     9-8-2010 

Nivens, Joel  2-19-2022

Nixon, Joey   2010  

Parra, Roseanne   (Alty) 5-31-20

Parrott, Greg     2007

Payne, Ronnie

Poynter, Kevin 1-8-19

Reeves, Martin

Reising, Rick   2-15-19

Robertson, Joel

Roderick, Leonard  

Rose, Billy

Ruffin, Curt   

Seabaugh, Robert  10-14

Seal, Patricia Ann   ( Turnbough )   7-22-18

Stout, Gary 

Strickland Richard   8-26-2021

Thornton, Sherry      9-7-2006

Tumey, Thomas

Vanek, Janet ( Bowman )     8-22-2012

Williams, Cindy

Wilson, Mark  

Williams, Cindy   5-22-95 

Williams, Ronnie   5-26-2008

Worsham, Joyce 

Yoder, Mark   10-17-19

Ziy, Johnny     3-2012


•• Class of 1978 ••

Adams, Toni

Allbritton, Bill     3/18/2011 

Badger, Roberta   ( Ammons,Wells ) 3-23-19

Blankenship, Robert (Bob)   10-1-18

Burchum, Keith

Christensen, Ken     3/7/2012

Clifton, Mike     2000 

Dean, Ralph (Butch) 

Deans, Sharon (Ambrow)  4-7-13

Dillon, Sarah      Jan 2011

Doerr, Dennis      8-29-2016

Dugger, Ed 

Fanning, Tony  

Goad, Vicki   2014

Graham, Bruce      5-1-17

Grueling, Denise (Lee)     3-2-60 To 8-10-10

Harper, Chris     12-16

Heffernan, Ray      7-26-1998

Holland, Pam   

Hudson, Keith  1-7-2022

Jordan, Keith 

King, Kimberley"Kim"     7/11/1960 - 2/9/2009

Krepps, Forrest

Lauer, Mike     1978

Moore Alma  

Porchey, Patty 

Robinson, Joe   5-14-19

Rose, Dan     7-17-17 

Salsman, Cathy “Johns”

Siebe, Penny  (Nigro)   8-9-2021

Schaeffer, Terry     1992 or 1993

Schicker, Dan

Sellers, Robert “Bobby “     8-8-12

Smith, Vicki   (Goad)     12-31-2014

Sparkman, Mark     2-12-17

Stewart, Steve

Stoops, Vicki (Longworth)     2003

Strayhorn, Rob     11-3-2014 

Sullivan Terry (Yackly)  9-21-18

Terpening, William      1995 

Tevlin, Barry  

Turnbo, Ty

Turner, Donna Lynn  2-15-2022

Waller, Venita (Harbin),     11-4-2011

Willis, Steve      1-4-2015

Wright, Ed     10-11-2015


•• Class of 1979 ••

Barbagallo, Mike 

Beardsley, Rick    1-28-14    

Hill, Dr. Pat ( Bonnot )     4-10-15

Boulicault, Mary Kay     1977

Bryan, Judith Eileen 

Cheatham, Gwen  (Stough)  2-4-2022

Cross, Jimmy     3-25-2017

Dudash, Sandra      12-12-2000

Felty, Kelly

Gould Theresa

Conway, Mark

Greene, Alan  

Hampton, Don  7-1-2018

Hardy, Charlie    7-29-2006 

Hosick, Derek Grant   1-8-2021

Huegler, Vickie

Husgen, Jill (Pritchett )    Nov, 28-2012

King, Carla 

Jenson, Ron

Keller, Michael

Link, John    12-31-11    

Marler, Terri ( Bull )

Mason, Brad

Meeks, Roger     1-29-97   

Miller, Beverly (Boyd)  8-23-2020 

O’Hara, Rhonda  9-22-19

Palazzolo, Dino   2012  

Penrod, Ken 8-23-2021

Preiss, Eric  7-21-2021

Rhodes, Beverly  “McKission”  9-9-17

Rowan, Tommy

Rumping, Michael     11-4-16

Townsend, Mike

Travelstead, Debbie ( Moore)

Simmons, Lori

Smallwood, Cindy ( Cook )     1-10-14

Schwalbert, Terry


•• Class of 1980 ••


Andrews, Bob  2-1-2021

Baker, Chad    11-22-1980

Baker, Roy

Barlow Christina

Bicknell, Susan     1-3-2012

Bishop Lisa

Brown, Scott A ( Scotty )    6-5-62 to 8-7-16 

Bauman, Terry  1-6-18

Chapmann Charles

Cheatham Juanita    2011

Cibuika Steve     12-13-2002

DeClue, Linda    2013   

Delane, Janine     6-1-2007

Dieckman, Pam     2011

East David     2005

Farrior, Tina Lynn ( Tindall )    10-7-15

Fitzgerald, Daniel    2009

Fleetwood, Tom     6-25-16 

Fox, Laura Kay  “Caran”   10-22-2020

Frazier, Susan

Gallion, Nick     2011

Godar, Richard     5-20-15 

Gurgon, JoAnn   (DeRinge) 

Gyurica, Alan   1-5-2021

Hardy, Kenny     4-27-1995

Harrison, Lyndin     2006

Haus, Mark 4-28-19

Heller, David

Higgins, Josie     1980  

Hite, Melodie   9-10-18

Hoffarth, Melvin

Hollinghead, Greg     8-5-13

Horner, Carl     2-22-2013   

Howell, Karla  12-25-2021

Hudson, Cindy  2-24-2007

Hughie, Terry

Lato. Tammie ( Johnson )      4-25-16

Longworth, Mike    1981

Massart, Denise

McCullough, Danny

Miller, Mike     2011

Moore, Larry     2006

Nelson, Tina     9-10-1998

Odell, Babette     1991

Perkins, Calvin     1998

Pickrell, Melvin

Podgorski, Jan     2011

Pratt, Mike

Pritchard, David    1980

Rapp, Keith    6-7-17

Reichart, Shirley

Reid, Scott

Roach, Rick     2014

Robertson, Jason     5-3-17

Slinkard, Ken

Schulte, Barb     1979

Shicker, Tracy  5-13-2021

Smith, Joe

Stewart, Martin

Topp. Sharon     2012

Tosie, Tam     1982

Vancil, George

Wagner, Terry     2013

West, Keith      Oct 17th, 2006 

Wilkerson, Rich 

Wilson, Dawn     1-25-1996

Wilson, Tami     1997   

Yoder, Steve  1-19-2022 



•• Class of 1981 ••

Acey, Tony

Algeyer, Wayne 

Baker, Mike   4-20

Bailey, Calvin

Burnes, Mike

Carter, Mike

Campbell, Laura    1-24-2005

Cole, Sandy “Buehre” 2-15-2022

Colona, Rayburn ( Boo )Anglea

Cothern, Ray    2015

Dudask, Kevin     3-3-2011 

Elliot, Cheryl   (White)  1-19-2020

Ellis, Tont     3-13-14

Elmore, Rob

Jenner Sandy ( Vierling)     11-13

Hall, Bobby     6-19-17 

Hassen, George Christopher    6-3-18   ( Iron Man )

Harrison, Mike     7-81

Katzenberger,  Ken    10-30-17

Krumm, Steve     1979

Laboube, Chris     6-26-1983  

Lampe, Richard   2-15-18

McClain, Charlene     5-12-1995

McFarland, Mike     6-2-2009

McKinsey, Morgan     2011

Morgan, William (Bill )  6-20-2021

Morris, Kelly

Snyder, Leigh     6-24-17

Speiss, Martin

Stephens, Keith Allen

Perkins, Brenda  1-18-2022

Pfefferkorn-Busch, Tina     2003 

Potter, Jim 

Ringhoffer Carl     1-27-84   US Marines

Roach, Robert (Bob)     2008

Vanek, Cathy     3-17-2017 

Westerhold, Terry  (Fox)    5-24-2020 

Whitaker, Linda “Dries” 8-6-2020

Williams, Patti ( Weltig ) 

Yoder, Linda Sue  (Luster)     9-1-2016


•• Class of 1982 ••

Abrahms, Mike

Akridge, Keith

Bennett Wisdom, Tammy     1994

Brown, Laura     1-2-17

Burnes, Charles Daniel ( Danny)     6-9-2012

Callahan, Teresa

Chasteen, Dave     6-28-2014

Chadbourne, Dwayne  7-25-2022

Clements, Missy     1-11-2004 

Clonninger, Don  11-5-2020

Cook, Michael 

Counts, Claude Dean

David, Don

Deckman, Mike  

Drysdale, Cheryl  2-8-18

Elmore, Robert

Foster, Richard    11-22-11

Fox, Paula (Owaihan)     12-25-2016

Hallbrook, Sherry

Harry, Sherry

Holcomb, Jim

Huskey, Melody  1-15-19

Hutson, Mike

Leach, Daniel

Mosher, George     2009

Nichols, Jim

Olson, Laurie     2013

Palmer, Brian Keith  

Parra, Elliot  2-22-2022  

Repple, Timmy  11-4-18

Riddle, Jim   4-3-18  

Riegler, Chantelle 

Simon, Keith  11-23-18

Staat, Barb     1-5-2009.

Steele, Scott     7-8-2012

Stevens, Gary

Trent, Susan  ( Feldman)  8-31-2019

Trtan, Andrew 

Wilson, Jeff  12-21-18

Wingermuehle, Lynn


•• Class of 1983 ••

Barton, Bobby  9-12-18

Berry, Holly Anne     1964-2006

Butler, Scott 

Burke, Kelly   

Cole, Brent 

Counts, Bob

David, William    4-20-13 

Dreman, Leroy  7-20-08

Dieckmann, Jeff    3-13-14

Fleming. Beth    3-31-2014

Hawkins, Billy     1980

Heigert, Scott 

Holdman, Dale  1-30-2022

Horst, Carol

Massing, Dan

McCutchen, Ronnie     6-21-16

Owen, Kim (Meder)

Scott, Louis "Butch"

Stohl, Ron    2010

Thornton, Kelli Sue    Aug, 4th 2011 

Watson, Jeff  

Wells, Roger 


•• Class of 1984 ••

Allen, Mercedes

Blair, Dan    5-13-1996

Boyd, Jeff    4-11-2013

Chapman, William    5-8-2002

Cotton, Bruce    2010

Courtway, Roger  

Diffey, Patrick “ Pat” 4-20-2020

DeBre, LeRoy

Falcetti, LeAnn  ( Sevcik ) 4-25-19

Flamm, Michelle     1985

Froelich, Bill

Green, Eddie     4-12-86   

Guffey, John  2015

Jansen, Grant 

Jansen, Paula  4-18-19

Kendall, Jim  2-24-18 

Kuegler, Todd

Kupferer Jr, Robert

Lagage, Eva (Nettles )    2-24-2014

Lester, Terry  

Lochirco, Mark  5-31-2022

Mathes, Windel C Jr   12-11-19 

McCutcheon, Ronnie

McKnney, Kathy Lynn

McKenzie, Jr., John     1990

Melton, Bob 

Minor, Antoinette “ Toni “

Morley, Tammy ( Christopher ) 7-25-2021

Naramore, Donna 

Schmaltz, Darin  6-5-19

Schutze, Mike

Smith, Debbie ( Callier )

Wills, Robyn     May 4, 2011

Wood, Bridgette  ( Warren) 1-30-2018  

Zeuner, John  6-20-17


•• Class of 1985 ••

Bearden, Dave    2012

Bedwell, Arville George    2006

Bennett, Ray Daniel  ( Danny )    1998

Brown, Regina    7-30-16

Bryant, Patrick     2011

Chalupny, Mike     1983

Dickerson, Keith ( Marion)     2004

Ellis, Tuesday Elouise (West )     2015

Gabbert, Tom ( Thomas J )

 Gaetrner, Daryl Lee   2-19-2017

Hawkins, Jerome D 2-22-2009

Hayes, Kim (Darnell)     7-12-17   

Heisler, Tommy   1-19-2020 

Hummel, Michael  5-6-2022

Johnson, Marilyn “ Susie”    ( Nanney)   6-15-18

Jordan, Michael    2003

Lingle, Joe    6-23-2009

Manion, Eric Gene     1988

Mason, JoEll    4-9-16

Moeller, Angie ( Cash ) Angela J    2001 

Moeller, Todd  1-16-2020

Mueller, Steven C     2014 

Nations, Glen  3-18 

Newton, Frank Jr  ( Frankie ) 11-2017

Parker, Shelly (James)     2007

Pfefferkorn, Chris    2015

Pipkin, Samantha   2010  

Portell, Bryan Paul 9-18-2021

Potts, Suzie  (Justice) 2005

Prokasky, Chad     2009   

Reising, Randy   11-10-18

Roberts, Daniel A     2014

Sample. Zina  ( Mettlen)   8-21-17

Schmidt, Steve    1987

Simpson, Jeff    2000

Skaggs, Don     1-26-2002

Smith, John    6-2-2105 

Snyder, Kimberly  ( Krummich-Kunst )   6-14-2021

Wagner, David  7-24-18

Wilson,  Verlin DeWayne    2007

Wood, Barbara A. ( Weatherhold )    2006

Zohner, Mike    1989


•• Class of 1986 ••

Austin, Jim 

Bauman, Tammy (Powell)   4-23-2020

Brasher, Gary

Buchheit, Sherry     2007

Coleman, Brian

Cummings, Tami    1987

Dieckmann, Brian     11-7-88

Forbis, Matt

Fox, Ricky     1988

Gallo, Joe     1985

Gray, Steve     2000

Hickman, Debbie 

Janson, Michael 

Kingsbury, Christina ( Weber )

Kunz, James Michael  6-20-2022

Maddox, Donna (Tharp )

Martin, Brent    1-4-2006  

Mentel, Rich 

Mueller, Natlie “Mazza “     9-25-14

Noblin, Mike 

Nowlin, Jeffery Michael  4-15-19  

O’Brien, Tim 12-12-2020

Peel, Mark 

Pfitzinger, Lisa     3/27/2012

Schisler, Matt     Jan 2011

Shannon, Jimmy     2009

Stricklen, Jerry     12-22-14

Swart, Kent    2010

Talley, Ron

Turner, David Michael

Unterreiner, Kimberly (Stewart)     3-13-17

Wildharber, David

Volner. John     8-8-2015


•• Class of 1987 ••


Belleville, Rebecca

Bock, Christine ( Lang)     2-4-2013 

Brda, Tom 

Coleman, Gina     2009

Fesler, Philip

Green, Greg

Harris, Andrew      1996 

Ingram, Dave 

Kowalski, Mike   12-24-2021 

Luaders, Jim

McCord, Steve      2009

Morris, Chris      1986 

Penrod, Debi ( Corzine ) 7-2-2011

Rager, Steve 

Reese Shelley 

Rodgers, Chris      1994

Rutledge, Dana 

Stoups, Jason 

Wilson, Sherri     2011


Class of 1988 ••


Bell, Sharri(Kroh)

Boswell, Mary 

Coleman, Corinna   5-8-2020

Cook, Mary

Daily, Aaron

DeClue, Jeff      2010

Eberhardt, Tim

Gosik, Jason      11-11-14

Heibel, Matt     8-28-2010

Heibel, Scott     12-18-2004

Hibbard, John  

Johnson, Stacie  


 Kimker, Davit T   9-4-17

Kuehn, Greg    2009

Lambert, Joe  

Limpert, Yvonne (Gerhart)   9-2-17

MooreIII, Eugene ( Gene )

Perstrope, Lee 

Peterson, Joseph 8-19-2020

Pope, Carrie

Sanders Ronnie  1-12-2012

Slaughter, George

Smiley, Cheryl  (Gamble)

Summers, Michael Scott   10-3-17

Strong, Joe


•• Class of 1989 ••

Becker, Eddie

Bequette, Timothy  

Burroughs, Shannon  12-11-2020

Decker, Keith   

Dickerman, Ronnie

Eisenhauer, David 

Haley, Michael

Hill, Eddie

Leland, Joe     1988

Mester, Jonathan    2004

Morris, Amber     2011

Norris, Gina (DeSimone)    7-9-17

Pierce, Bridget

Pope, John

Price, Stacey     1986

Rau, Ricky

Schwalbert, John     2012

Spain, Vanessa 

Torode, John  1-24-2018

Watkins, Melissa

Whitaker, Kim

Wilkinson, John Jr     12-6-2011


•• Class of 1990 ••

Agee, Greg    1990 

Ahlersmeyer, Ronald  9-14-2021

Arnold, Joe

Bennett, Julie    12-15

Betzer, Brian     1996

Blumer, Derek

Crumby, Ralph

DeClue, Jeff     8-1-2010

Dix, Lisa (Leeker)

Douthitt, Debbie    6-21-13

Edwards, Tim 4-6-18 

Fenstemaker, Shannon 10-12-15 

Gordon, Kenny  5-24-2020 

Greeno, Steven 

Helferstay, Jason  7-19 

Kamer. Mike  8-27-2020 

Lively, Christopher

Lorenze, Debra     6-9-2001

Leland, Joe

Means, Melanie 

Mosier, Tim 2-18-2022

Norris, Derek

Passenheim, Frank     1991

Placht, Noel

Schwartz, Charliece  4-30-19

Sifford, Bryan     2011  

Stefano, Luigi  12-3-18

Thompson, David

Thompson, Jennifer (Beutenmiller)

Wieberg, Tony



•• Class of 1991 ••

Anderson, Steven     5-29-16

Banasek, Tammy     10-15-13   

Boyet, Jason  9-30-2020

Broeker, Brandon  1995  

Calvin, Jane  ( Pendergrass ) 

Cash Jeff

Crites, Melissa    8/11/1996

Davis, Heather    1991

Davis, Kim    1991

Downs, Kim    2000

Galloway Niki (Ruddy) 

Gemmell, Eric Douglas 

Hampton, Jim    1997 

Helmbacher, Jason   4-6-19

Hetz, Kathy (Hammers)

Kincaid, Tim

Lewis, Jeff     1997

Neiderecker, Scott     1991

Rau, Mark

Taylor, Jennifer “ Jenny “      6-21-12


•• Class of 1992 ••

Burnes, Chris 

Edwards, Christy Ann ( Meier )  11-12-2021

Kincade, Mike

Logan, Irene

Malorin, David

Masters, Rhonda (Viviano)    4-12-16

McCarter, Gary

McDaniel, Tim     2008

Moore, William Anthony "Tre"     10-18-2015

Payer, Kenny     12-2-16

Sadl, John      2-7-12

Smith, Angie

Wichmann, Brian Michael     2007


•• Class of 1993 ••

Adam, Brandon

Been, Lissa

Bishop, Chad

Capone, Tony    2003 

Fitter, Christy 

Foster, Jackie

Goodyear, Ryan

Gross, Tressa

Groves, Matthew     10-25-2008

Hasty, Raymond     Jan. 20, 2012

Hoffman, Sharon

Hogan, Jamie     2005

Hollaman, Brian

Leija, Michael (Mike)     11-3-16

Massa, Shawn     10-31-14

McCarter, Gary 

Parks, Chris  12-3-2020

Portell, Stanley 

Provins, Brian  12-31-2019

Rice, Matt     7-5- 2012

Rider, Christopher     2007

Smith, Angela

Stephens, Jon     6-13-14

Tarwater, Albert"AJ"     2007 

Turnbo, Timothy  1-1-21 

Wooldridge, Richard Michael   9-8-2020

•• Class of 1994 ••


Agee, Jeff     1998 

Arnold. Ed 

Collins, Eric     3-6-2002

Cort, Natalie (Hampton)     2-28-16

Felty, Mark 

Heincke, Dustin   2018

Koerner, Kyle

Kohler, Matt 

Medlock, Steven  12-16-2019

Nichols, Mike  6-2-2020

Pennington, Kevin     11-5-09

Rider, Chris      2007 

Risk, Jason

Wagner, Stephanie     09/15/1976-11/26/2008

Wiser, Allen 

Wolff, Larry  9-26-19


•• Class of 1995 ••

DeClue, Nathan      1999   

Hazard, Matt  12-10-2020

Hoffman, Scott  9-16-19

Martin, Tim 

Jones, Heather  5-15-2020

Penberthy, Dion

Sunshine, Gina

Wilson, Jeremy     9-2002


•• Class of 1996 ••

Anderson, Wendy Lynn " Mayfield"     2-1-17

Clark, Christine ( Oleson )    1-12-16

Edwards, Chris

Ervin, Jasin 

Etter, Kelly

Gibson, Adam    8-11-2010 

Hampton, Charles 

Hessell, Kathy    2010

Howard, Erin Teresa    12/29/77-08/24/05

Johnson, Wendell (Lee)

Leija, Dale    2014

Moultrie, Dave   2005

Nahlik, Andrew    1993 

Pate, Rose Ann   9-30-19 

Parkin, Nicole    1998

Reeg, Trish  9-15-2021

Rhodes, Dusty    2014 

Small, Bart 

Stout, Jeff

Wallen, Thomas

Weidinger, Chrissy

Winters, Jason


•• Class of 1997 ••

Blaha, Kristen    8-30-2004

Boyer, Shaun    7-6-15

Brackett, Carrie    5-4-17

Brockmeier, Andrew

Brown, Neil    1997

Chapman, Bill    5-8-02

Diebold, Michael    10-29-14

Druen, Michael Christopher   1996

Ferrell,  Aric    2012

Fitzsimmons, Russel 3-20-2021

Gibson, Debbie  

Hagan, Kevin  

Innis, Amanda   1998

Messenger, Chasity    5-25-17

Noblen, Steve    8-10-2006 

Perkins, Ryan 

Pinkley, Ronnie "Pinky"     2009

Quinn, Yvonne    9-23-16

Sharp, Brad    11-7-15  

Walker, Steven J 1-9-2022

Whitnely, Denise   

Williams (DeWitt), Mike     2004


•• Class of 1998 ••

Brown, Kelly (Bendler)    3-24-14

Cooper JR     2005 

Falvey, Ryan 

Green, Dan     2009

Gardner, Jason     2009

Green, Dan     2009

Harwell, Larry     2001   

Hunt, Shane 

Maassen, Brad  3-28-20  

Marvin, Jeremy 

Motttaz, Renee 1-27-2021

Raeder, Charlie (Scott)     6/11/11

Rite, Holly    1998 

Stout, Amanda    1996

Ward, Danny    1996

West, Tony


•• Class of 1999 ••

Boone, Rory  7-9-2004   

Dupree, Jeffery R  7-6-2022

Hardesty, Jerry

Mask, Rolan    10-4-2014

Rhea, Samuel Adam    1-8-91 to 5-4-2000

Thompson, Justin    2007 

Volner, Lonna 

Williams, Jamie    6/25/2013


•• Class of 2000 ••

Diss, Janet (Roehl)  3-23-2020

Ditch, Dustin

Elders, Kim

Faddis, Kenny

Fleming. Jason    9-23-2006

Garig, Mindy

Garrett, Nina

Gilbert, Brian

Hite, Sean    8-17-1981---9-2-2016

Landsbury, John    2013

Leimkuehler, Toby    1999 

Maness, Gabriel   4-16

Pracht Jessica    4-25-2004

Robinson. Drew   

Sievers, Matthew  9-9-2021

Swan, Dave    2010

Thompson, Raja

Wright Neil


•• Class of 2001 ••

Declue,  Jeramie  

Finnicharo Robert  

Howard, Shawn  3-9-20

Johnson, Katia 

Price, Jeffery

Phillips, Tony

Sackman, Dana  5-18-2020 

Willmann, Nick  4-28-2021


•• Class of 2002 ••

Barton, Matt    6/15/2013

Eberhardt, Jessica     12/28/2010 

Ferguson, Bradley   7-20-2021

Frisch, Bob 

Lacey, Kimbro  5-9-2021

Neff, Dustin  1-10-2021

Schlette, Jeff     3-28-14 

Swan, Geoff  5-8-2020

Womack, Ned


•• Class of 2003 ••

Bogue, Joe     5-11-2011

Breckle, Melanie     2007

Gabler, Keith 

Jones, Michael    10-26-2017

Narez, Nick


•• Class of 2004 ••

Canada, Greg  11-11-17

Midyett, Brian

Pogue, Bobby

Sack, Kyle Raymond


•• Class of 2005 ••

Dalton Matt

Martin, Chris 1-3-2021

Russo, Michael     2004

Schmaltz, Nathan  5-19-2020


•• Class of 2006 ••

Black, Jason      2-1-17

Bertrand Thomas     2011

Murphy Bella Clausen    2011  

Reese, Bryant     2011

Samuels, Nicole


•• Class of 2007 ••

Brooks, John Aaron    1-1-2017 

Johns, Theresa

Patton, Mike     6/14/2008  (Afghanistan)

Moeller, Courtney     05/28/2004

Sybert, James R “Ray “     3-25-14


•• Class of 2008 ••

 Adams, Lucas  9-28-2021

Thomas, Jessica     6-29-2012


•• Class of 2009 ••

Conn, Matthew J  10-31-2020

Le, Khang

Roberts, Kurtis 

Wiott, Dennis  1-13-17


•• Class of 2010 ••

Asher, Klye

Diebold, Christopher D  “ Chip”   2-26-18 

Kovalenko, Stephen  11-3-2021

Mossman, Dustin   11-8-18

Wells, Janel    1-28-17


•• Class of 2011 ••

Atkinson, Zachary     5/22/2011 

Boone, Derick  1-26-2021

Conrad. Tayor    10-5-2014   

Huber, Trevor  6-6-15

Jonas, Jessica  

Shelton,Kayla Jesse-Marie


•• Class of 2012 ••

Smith, Michael. Ryan     11-10-12


•• Class of 2013 ••

Beckwith, Jessica

Cernich, Scotty Lee

Guittar, Jessica H     4-21-2013

Moeller, Dane     5-28-2004


•• Class of 2014 ••


Fritz, Matthew Allen   12-30-19

Hake, Jake     1-1-1996 to 11-5-2013 

Williams, Tony  12-31-2017


•• Class of 2015 ••

Jordan, Kristina     2012

Maserang, Mitchell  2012 

Sansone, Krista Nicole   11-8-18 

Williams, Ronnie    5-26-08


•• Class of 2016 •• 

Weston Heather  12-2-19

Wileman, Blake  7-27-19


•• Class of 2017 ••


•• Class of 2018 ••  

Brown, Tyler  1-26-2022


•• Class of 2019 ••

Lewis, Elijah

Walters, Chase Daniel   5-2-2020


•• Class of 2020 ••


•• Class of 2021 ••


•• Class of 2022 ••


•• Class of 2023 ••


•• Class of 2024 ••


•• Class of 2025 ••


•• Class of 2026 ••


•• Class of 2027 ••


•• Class of 2028 ••


•• Class of 2029 ••


•• Class of 2030 ••



Ballard, Kenny

Barbagallo, Joyce 

Beardsley. Carolyn   4-18-98

Beardsley, Jim     2-14 

Berryman, Viola  9-28-2020

Carden, Richard 

Coffey, Joyce  

Correll, Clifford Kenneth     2-20-65  

Davenport, Ivan DR PHD  4-19-19

Dent, Alane  2022

Frasure, Drexel 

Gant, Syliva Gay 

Gilman, Glynn

Grimshaw (Dunn) Darlene  

Haley. Ruth  1-10-2020

Hodge Ray    2012

Howell, James   8-2-2001 

Hudson, Rick

Hudspeth Judy (Holland)

Jackson, Georgia    2-8-13 

Jennemann, Mike 

 Kappler, Irvin  

Kirkpatrick Eva     2012

Kozlen Diana (Lato)    3-18-2011

Mr. Lang    2001

Lingle, Rosetta Ruth    10-31-17

 Lingle, Troy Duane   10-22-13

Mr. Looney    9-30-13 

Mills, Ruth 

Muehlhauser, Sue

Mueller, Tony     08/25/2010

Mumberger, Shirley

Nash, Mike

Newman, Charles A    12-31-2016

Osgood, James 

Payne, Jim  4-2020

Rice, Matt    2012

Rickman, James  1-16-19

Ronsick, Joan     2000

Sauer, Ronald  6-1-19

Seabaugh, Faye 

Simpson, Richard  12-31-2017  

Simpson, Wanda  12-24-2019

Smith, Shelton 

Solis, Carol  5-23-19

Starnes, Hilda  

Stoups, Jason 

Vishino, Don

Waldrop, Glenda L.     2002

Weatherford, Jerry  

Wright, Floyd  

Wright, Mary 8-14-2020

Wright, Mary  8-14-2020


•• Office and Administrative Staff ••

Eakins, Maxine   ( Mr Vishino’s secretary ) 1996


•• Cafeteria Staff ••


Brown, Esther

Dement, Eva 

Farson, Beverly “Cook”  7-22-2020

Howard, Ruth

Ray, Lee 

Waugh, Dorothy  

•• Bus Drivers ••

Campbell, Carol  2019

Chambers, Kenneth

Hallenberger, Margie 12-2016  

Godsey, Carolyn  Sue  4-26-2020

Karr, Oliver Russell    12-5-11

Herrick, Jean  ( bus driver, lot attendant"    11-15-16

Mall, Martin (Head of transportation dept )    2000

Joyner, Robert (Bob)

Whitehead, Earl

Ziegler, Melvin     11-2-13

Volner, Jessie “Marlene” 2-27-19



Chambers, Margaret

Null, Floyd 

Scheer, Donald 3-12-19  


•• Group Administration•• 

Wichmann, Linda  10-13-2019