Brown Computer Service

Old Address Book - Honeywell Diagnostic Tape - Old Phone Book




I was coming home from Reno when I saw this in USA Today. (June birthday)

Hawaii - Bill Magazin. I took care of his Honeywell system for several years.

My deal with him was if he needed me to come over, he would pay for round trip

air fare, hotel on Wakiki for one week, car rental for one week and $1200 cash.

I went over there seven times befor he killed himself.




My computer room!

South Hanley










Many were service bureaus




Clayton Brokerage

EMCO Manufacturing (2)

Insurance Center

Keane Foods

Missouri Portland Cement

Pevely Dairy

United States Post Office

United Missouri Bank (2)


Applied Systems

Data Plus

Blue Rents


Columbus Southeastern Computer Systems


Hawaiian EAS


S-Tek Computer Services (2)


Answerite Professional Systems


Lexington Computer Services

Paducah Board of Education


Insurance Data Services

New York

Electronic Accounting System (EAS) (5)



Jess Williams


Mesquite School Systems

S & Q Clothiers


Universal Data, Inc.



Computer Hotline and Computerworld



4136 Folsom, St. Louis, MO.







2353 South Hanley, Brentwood, MO













3250 Walter Ave., Maplewood, MO









Sept. 13, 2020 drive by


























S. Outer Road, Arnold, MO







Old Address Book


Lloyd and Alice Rogers. MC, Tim, Kerry, Megan. Fechter. Valerie/Bob Klausner. Rex





























































462 Santa Louisa, Irvine, CA 92606 ; Manasquan, NJ 08736 ; Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679 ; Coto De Caza, CA 92714

Maureen Fechter was born in 1957 and is currently 65 years old. Maureen currently lives at 313 Baywood Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Relatives & associates include 
Kerry FechterTimothy Fechter and Megan Obrien.

Megan Obrien was born in 1988 and is currently 34 years old. Megan currently lives at 10809 Westminster Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034. Relatives & associates include Joel LiffmannMaureen Fechter and Rachel Liffmann.

Maureen Fechter
  (65 years old)

313 Baywood Dr
Newport Beach, CA 92660

(732) 513-4274
Verified on December 17, 2021

According to our latest records, Maureen Carey Fechter is 65 years old and born in Jan 1956. Maureen's phone numbers include (732) 513-4274, (732) 223-0973, (949) 459-1338.

Maureen's possible relatives include Timothy Fechter, Kerry Fechter, Megan O'brien, Eleanore Fechter, Jeffrey Liffmann, Rudolph Fechter, Sarah Liffmann. Maureen's most recently reported address starting in Dec 2021 is 313 Baywood Dr . Prior to that Maureen lived at 271 Baywood Dr for less than 1 years.

Other cities and locations that Maureen could have lived includes Newport Beach,CA, Irvine,CA, Coto De Caza,CA, Eatontown,NJ, Manasquan,NJ, Rancho Santa Margarita,CA, Trabuco,CA, Rcho Sta Marg,CA, Santa Ana,CA, Trabuco Canyon,CA, Trabuco Cyn,CA. We currently show as many as 14 address, 7 phones, 4 email addresses for Maureen Fechter.























Honeywell Diagnostic Tape





Old Phone Book