Sept. 17, 2016 Fox Reunion

Pictures from previous reunions

Fox Reunion 2006          Fox Reunion 2007          Fox Reunion 2009

Fox Reunion 2010          Fox Reunion 2011          Fox Reunion 2012

Fox Reunion 2013            2014 Cancelled            Fox Reunion 2015

Fox Reunion 2016          Fox Reunion 2017          Fox Reunion 2018

2020 and 2021 Cancelled                  Fox Reunion 2022


Pictures are from Bill Brown, Judy West, Patti Peck and Steve Winheim


If you have any more pictures and/or corrections (unknowns are flagged in red), email them to me at




Bill Brown (66), Steve Winheim (66), Jens Brammer (63)




Steve Winheim (66), Steve Prokasky (66), Rich Turco (67)




Dennis Spoerry (66), Jim Gherardini (66)




Walt Harmon (67), Tom Christman (67)




Dave Gandy (66), Jintana - with camera (guest of Steve Winheim (66)), Gloria Cheatham (66), ??? seated in back




Russ Kennon (67), Rod Leavitt (67), Bill Luebke (67), ??? (??), Tom Christman [seated] (67)




Russ Kennon (67), Rod Leavitt (67), Bill Luebke (67), ??? (67), Tom Christman [seated] (67),




Dennis Spoerry (66) and Jeanne Gherardini (62), Jim Gherardini (66), Relative of Jeanne Gherardini, Becky Tusher (66)




Dave Gandy (66), ??? in back (xx), Gloria Cheatham (66)




Dave Gandy (66), Gloria Cheatham (66), Steve Winheim (66), Steve Prokasky (66), Walter Harmon (67), Rich Turco (67)




Steve Winheim (66), Steve Prokasky (66)




Dennis Spoerry (66), Rich Turco (67), Carol Gandy (wife of Dave 66), Dave Gandy (66), Gloria Cheatham (66)






Carol Gandy (wife of Dave, 66), Rich Turco (67)








Larry Kinder (67), Randy Oliver (67), Debbie ? [wife of Kenny Christ] (68) at back table




Linda West (66), Jens Braemmer (63), Phyllis Rice (66)




Linda West (66), Patti Peck (67)

Jim Gherardini (66), Jerry Waller (66)




Tom Smith (64), Vicki Basden (65), Dave Shaeffer (65), Diana Mayfield (65), Jerry Waller (66)




Diane Waller (wife of Jerry, 66), Carol Ricketts (69), Gloria Cheatham (66)




Vick Basden (65), Dave Schaeffer (65), Diana Mayfield (65)




Jintana (guest of Steve), Steve Winheim (66)




Jerry Waller (66), Jim Gherardini (66), Kenny Christ (66)




Steve Prokasky (66), Dennis Spoerry (66)




Sharon DeGeare (66, standing), Becky Tusher (66),  Carol Gandy (wife of Dave, 66), Patti Peck (67), Dave Gandy (66), Gloria Cheatham (66)




Russ Kennon (67), Rod Leavitt (67), Bill Luebke (67), ??? (??)




Bill Brown (66), Walter Harmon (67)




Dennis Spoerry (66), Jim Gherardini (66)




Jens Brammer (63), ??? (??)




Jens Brammer (63), Becky Tusher (66)




??? (??)




Steve Winheim (66), Steve Prokasky (66)




Coach O'Connor with former Fox baseball players




Coach O'Connor with former Fox baseball players




Bill Brown (66), Randy Oliver (67)




Jim Smith - standing (65)






Dave Gandy (66)




Eddie Blair (7x), Bill Brown (66)




Gloria Cheatham (66), Bill Brown (66)





Jackie Baker (66)




Sharon DeGeare (66), Dave Gandy (66), Steve Hollingsworth (66)




Judy O'Connor (wife of Coach), Coach O'Connor, Bill Brown (66)




Carol Gandy (wife of Dave, 66), Dave Gandy (66), Mike Vassel (66), Walt Harmon (67)




Larry Kinder (67), Bob Gruenwald (67)




Kenny Welker (65), Jackie Baker (66)




Larry Kinder (67), Richard Simpson (Principal), Randy Oliver (67)




Joan Best (65), Vicki Basden (65), Pam McClelland (65)




Jackie Baker (66)




Dave Politte (66), Ray Luebke (66)
